Доступные в интернет и упоминаемые в курсе Шнаера (локальные копии, собранные
из различных источников).
- E. Biham and A. Biryukov, «An Improvement of Davies' Attack on DES»
- B. Kaliski Jr., и M. Robshaw, «Linear Cryptanalysis Using Multiple Approximations»
- B. Den Boer, «Cryptanalysis of F.E.A.L.»
- E. Biham, «Cryptanalysis of Ladder-DES»
- L.R. Knudsen, «Cryptanalysis of LOKI»
- E. Biham, «Cryptanalysis of Multiple Modes of Operation»
- D. Wagner, B. Schneier, и J. Kelsey, «Cryptanalysis of the Cellular Message
Encryption Algorithm»
- D. Coppersmith, D. Wagner, B. Schneier, и J. Kelsey, «Cryptanalysis of
- Ben-Aroya и E. Biham, «Differential Cryptanalysis of Lucifer»
- E. Biham and A. Shamir, «Differential Cryptanalysis of the Full 16-Round
- R.C. Merkle, «Fast Software Encryption Functions»
- Brown, M. Kwan, J. Pieprzyk, и J. Seberry, «Improving Resistance to Differential
Cryptanalysis and the Redesign of LOKI»
- S. Moriai, K. Aoki, and K. Ohta, «Improving the Search Algorithm for the
Best Linear Ex-pression»
- J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, и D. Wagner, «Key-Schedule Cryptanalysis of IDEA,
G-DES, GOST, SAFER, and Triple-DES»
- K. Ohta and K. Aoki, «Linear Cryptanalysis of the Fast Data Encipherment
- B. Kaliski Jr., and M. Robshaw, «Linear Cryptanalysis Using Multiple Approximations
and FEAL»
- F. Chabaud and S. Vaudenay, «Links Between Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis»
- X. Lai, J. Massey, and S. Murphy, «Markov Ciphers and Differential Cryptanalysis»
- E. Biham, «New Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks Using Related Keys»
- E. Biham, «On Matsui's Linear Cryptanalysis»
- S. Vaudenay, «On the Weak Keys in Blowfish»
- J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, и D. Wagner, «Related-Key Cryptanalysis of 3-WAY,
Biham-DES, CAST, DESX, NewDES, RC2, and TEA»
- S. Murphy, «The Cryptanalysis of FEAL-4 with 20 Chosen Plaintexts»
- M. Kwan, «The Design of ICE Encryption Algorithm»
- R. Knudsen, «Truncated
and Higher Order Differentials»
- J. Daemen, R. Govaerts, and J. Vandewalle,
«Weak Keys for IDEA»
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